Arrived at the patch a bit later than i intended about 4 hours to be precise, didn't get there till 11.30. walked along the foreshore to the cemex jetty passing about 5 meadow pipits, 150 dunlin, 50 Redshank, 50 lapwing 3 curlew 2 grey plover 30 each of shelduck and teal on the way. at the jetty there were more of each and about 40 blackwits. Moving in to the cemex ditch had 2 snipe fly through and a moorhen and a pair of mallards.up onto the scrub with about 100 linnets, 50 + lapwings a solitary skylark and 30 or so fieldfare which flew off towards choats rd except this one.
At the middle ditch i didn't see anything exept a wren plenty of magpies, crows, gold and chaffinches. Then out from the ditch burst the first snipe i'd seen on this ditch managd this dodgy picture as it sped away.
With nothing else about i headed back to the cemex ditch across the scrub and another in flight dodgy pic of a snipe.
When i got back to the foreshore had a nice shot of a lapwing flying past.
With the tide now almost in i walked back along the foreshore where i had my final flyby this time it was 2 grey plover flashing there arm pits.
That was it for the day it was 3.30 and the light was fading, nothing new but a thoroughly enjoyable time.
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1 day ago
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